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Char Siu Veggie Stir Fry

Char Siu Veggie Stir Fry

A one-sauce, one-pan veggie stir fry.

3-4 servings | 22 minutes

3 bell peppers, chopped

1 zucchini, chopped

1 head broccoli, chopped

2 garlic gloves, minced or grated

1/2 onion, chopped

3 tbsp vegetable oil

3 tbsp soy sauce

2 tbsp Bowlcut Char Siu BBQ

1/2 tbsp ginger, minced or grated

  1. 1. In a large skillet, heat vegetable oil. Once warmed, add all veggies, salt, and pepper.
  2. 2. Stir in soy sauce, garlic, and Bowlcut Char Siu BBQ. Cook for 3–4 minutes, stirring regularly until veggies soften.
  3. 3. Serve over rice or as a side dish. Repeat whenever you need to clean out your fridge.